Changing Paradigms: The Power of Regenerative Agriculture

Changing Paradigms explores the power of regenerative agriculture and holistic management in solving the human health and climate crisis.

Charles Massy, a leader in regeneration, explains how industrial agriculture has separated us from nature and our food sources. When we clear land for industrial food systems we destroy the biodiversity that is absolutely vital to human health. Industrial systems are far too simple, they are designed to produce singular yields and short-term profits for people and do not factor in long-term environmental and economic costs of degraded ecosystems.

When think and act ethically (in the interests of the land and people) we promote healthy landscapes that regenerate themselves using nature as our ally. When we regenerate, relationships between all living organisms are in harmony, balance can be restored, we rebuild and rehydrate soils leading to permanent and profitable farming systems. This is what Permaculture design is all about.


Hope in a Changing Climate – John D. Liu


Greening the Desert – Geoff Lawton