We exist to connect people with their environments by designing ecologically sound outdoor spaces. We believe this connection will foster a greater appreciation for life on earth and a stronger will to protect it.

  • As Permaculture Designers, we are focused on nature-based living systems that increase our resilience and regenerate our planet.

  • We partner with you to create a design that serves your well-being by supporting the health of your ecosystem.

  • We believe we have the responsibility to care for the earth so future generations may flourish. Let's create permanent cultures!

Service Summary

The many benefits of Permaculture

  • Re-establish connections with nature

    Even the smallest actions such as starting a herb garden or a worm farm increase our interactions with the natural world. These interactions spark our biophilic instincts and serve to reconnect us both physically and spiritually to mother earth.

  • Stewarding a healthier planet

    When we restore our ancient bonds with nature we become part of it and a new appreciation of life will follow. In this natural state, we can begin to make earth-friendly decisions that will serve the health and happiness of future generations.

  • Restore functioning ecosystems

    When we restore oppressed ecosystems (such as lawns and agricultural lands) towards their natural, more complex states biodiversity will increase, reinstating natural order and stability.

  • Increase self-reliance

    When we provide for our needs closer to the source, such as growing our food and catching our own water, we reduce our reliance on the fragile and energy intensive global supply chains that degrade our planet.

  • Increase carbon drawdown

    By increasing plant matter on our landscapes we draw more carbon into the soil reducing the effects of global warming.

  • Reduce waste

    By composting our organic materials we significantly reduce pressure on landfills. At the same time, we are returning vital nutrients back to the earth which feeds soil organisms and increases fertility.

  • Eliminate harmful chemicals

    When we let nature do her thing we can eliminate the use of chemical inputs. Natural predation replaces insecticides, diversity replaces herbicides, and increased plant matter enhances nutrient cycling reducing the need for synthetic fertilizers.

  • Resiliency in a changing climate

    When we regenerate ecosystems we enhance solar capture with more plants converting sunlight into sugar. This feeds the soil and restores hydrology. We slow water flow, allowing it to soak into the landscape thereby mitigating flood damage and making more water available through dry periods.

  • Increasing our ecological literacy

    When we interact with nature we acquire knowledge of the environment around us. Knowledge is transferred to our children, our neighbours, and our communities creating the foundation of new ecologically literate societies in which we all understand the true value of thriving ecologies.

We’d love to work with you.